Yves Brown McClain: Literary Fierceness

The Authoress

Yves Brown McClain is a native of Detroit, Michigan. From a young age, she was gifted with an ability to combine her love for the written word with a vivid imagination. She was schooled in the Detroit Public School system and earned her Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University.

After graduating school, she entered the workforce and gained a variety of experience she would later draw from, including over three years of marketing and communications, a few years as a freelance business and journalism writer, and 18 months as a flight attendant. However, she would return to her first love of writing fiction to balance out the business writing involved in her day job. Her debut work, Wild Oats, is set to be released in 2011.

Although she currently resides in Tampa, Florida, she is and always will be a Detroit girl. She is currently working on her next project while simultaneously attending classes towards a second degree and raising a son with her husband.

You can connect with Yves on the following social media sites:
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/yvesbrownmcclain
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/yvesbrownmcclain
Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/ycbmcclain
The Professional Black Writer: http://theprofessionalblackwriter.ning.com/profile/

2 Responses to “The Authoress”

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